Cheddar and Tomato Tart

I had some tomatoes that I needed to use. I wanted to cook them somehow but not turn them into a sauce. I decided a tart of sorts would be nice. This is a really quick assembly using a pre- made piecrust. The hardest thing about the whole recipe is slicing tomatoes and deseeding the slices, and that's not hard at all! I used a white cheddar (because that's what I had) and a little Dijon for some zing and rosemary, just because it needed something fresh. I used pie crust, but I think it would be really good with puff pastry as an alternative. I served this as a side dish to grilled chicken and some fresh green beans. It was delicious. Here's what you'll need:

  • 1 frozen pie crust, thawed
  • tomatoes (I like Compari)
  • Dijon mustard
  • fresh rosemary
  • salt & pepper

Start by slicing and deseeding the tomatoes. I made the slices about 1/4" thick. Lay the slices out on paper towels and sprinkle with salt. Let them sit for about 5-10 minutes. The salt will draw out the excess moisture so that your tart won't get soggy when it cooks.

While the tomatoes are drying out a bit, unroll the piecrust and spread it with some of the Dijon mustard. 

Sprinkle the minced fresh rosemary on top.

Add the sliced tomatoes.

The last thing you need to do before you bake it  is to turn up the edges of the crust. It's rustic, so don't try to make it perfect. This is going to keep anything from oozing over the edge.

Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and add the cheese then return it to the oven until the cheese is melted and the crust is brown. It should take a total of 30-40 minutes.



Roasted Broccoli and Pecans

I first made this broccoli a couple of years ago and when I did, we were all so crazy about it that I served it a couple of times a week.  Yes, I am talking about broccoli. And yes, my family actually asked for it. That should be reason enough for you to try it, but if I need to entice you further, I will say that it only take 15 minute to cook. Everyone loves it and it cooks up in a flash. So, what are you waiting for? Here's what you'll need:

  • fresh broccoli florets
  • olive oil
  • pecans
  • red pepper flakes
  • salt & pepper

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.

Start by putting the broccoli in a single layer in a baking dish. It's important that it's in a single layer so that it roasts and doesn't steam. If your florets are vastly different in size, cut the bigger ones up to make them all a similar size.  They don't have to be exactly the same size, just close.

Roughly chop the pecans and toss them in with the broccoli. Drizzle the broccoli with olive oil until all of the pieces have some on them. Don't drown them, just a little is enough. For this pan I used about 3 tablespoons of oil. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle on the red pepper flakes. 

Roast in the oven for 15 minutes. That's it. I love the way the tips of the broccoli get crunchy and the flavor of the roster pecans blends perfectly. 

Scalloped Potatoes

This is Mom's recipe, although it's not really a recipe as much as it is an assembly. The ingredients are basic and you probably have them on hand any day of the week, although I will confess to having to go to the store for milk today. Total bummer, but worth it in the end. When we were kids, scalloped potatoes and ham were a favorite meal. This is basically that dish without the ham and served as a side. They are creamy, buttery and wonderful. I'm partial to the top layer that has a little bit of a crispy bite. The is the most basic variety, but it's easy to change it up by adding in some veggies or cheese or meat. It's good with roasted poblanos and fontina, or cheddar and ham, or proscuitto and mozzarella and fresh basil. Once you master the basic recipe, the sky is the limit on the different varieties you can make.  Here's what you'll need:

  • Yukon gold potatoes
  • butter
  • flour
  • milk
  • salt & pepper

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 

One of the most important things about making theses potatoes is to try to make all the slices the same thickness so that they cook evenly. I use a mandolin which cuts them exactly the thickness I set it for and it's about ten times faster than doing it by hand. Just be really careful about your hand while you're using it. It's not a time saver if you cut yourself and have to go to the hospital... 

After you've sliced all your potatoes, it's time to start layering. Spray your casserole with nonstick spray and arrange your first layer of potatoes. You'll want them to overlap and if your potatoes are really thin like these, go ahead and do 2 layers.  

Next, season that layer with salt and pepper. It's important to season each layer as you go. 

Now sprinkle with flour. You want to have a light layer of flour covering the potatoes. 

Now dot with butter. I cut about a teaspoon off of the stick, then pinch little pieces off and drop on the flour. 

Just keep repeating those layers until you've used all the potato slices. 

Now pour on the milk. You want enough milk so that you can see it just below the top layer of potatoes. 

Place the casserole on a foil lined baking sheet. Don't skip this step. Almost every time I make these, some of it boils over and you don't want that mess in your oven. Place the pan in the oven, uncovered, for about an hour. I say about because it's going to depend on how thick your slices are and how many layers you have. You can check for doneness by sticking a fork in them like you would a baked potato. 

When they are fork tender and golden on the top, take them out of the oven. At this point, you basically have a pot full of molten hot lava, so be very careful. Wait at least 15 minutes before you serve them.  

